Current Thoracic Surgery 2020 , Vol 5 , Issue 1
A rare case of giant thymolipoma
Şenol Ürek1,İrfan Yalçınkaya1,Abdurrahim Gördebil1
1Department of Thoracic Surgery, University of Health Sciences, Süreyyapasa Chest Disease and Thoracic Surgery Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey DOI : 10.26663/cts.2020.0009 Viewed : 3962 - Downloaded : 1262 Thymolipoma is one of the benign pathologies of the mediastinum that may reach large sizes over time and even become a giant mass that fills the hemithorax. It may cause respiratory distress and even failure, and may be accompanied by myasthenia gravis or other clinical conditions. Surgical excision of the mass provides both diagnosis and treatment. Keywords : mediastinum, thymolipoma, surgery