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Current Thoracic Surgery
2024 , Vol 9 , Issue 2
Simultaneous excision of intrathoracic solitary fibrous tumor and retroperitoneal schwannoma with robot-assisted surgery
1Thoracic Surgery Clinics, Medicana İzmir İnternational Hospital, Thoracic surgery, İzmir, Turkey2Department of Urology, Bozyaka Education and Research Hospital, İzmir, Turkey
3Department of Thoracic Surgery, KTO Karatay University, Konya, Turkey
4Urology Clinics, Medicana İzmir İnternational Hospital, Urology, İzmir, Turkey
5Neurosurgery Clinics, Medicana İzmir İnternational Hospital, İzmir, Turkey DOI : 10.26663/cts.2024.020 Viewed : 1183 - Downloaded : 270 Pleural solitary fibrous tumor is a rare neoplasms of the thoracic cavity. Retroperitoneal schwannomas are typically benign, solitary and encapsulated lesions. A previously healthy 39-year-old female patient was examined due to prolonged menstruation. The examination of the patient incidentally revealed two rare neoplasms both in the thoracic cavity and in the retroperitoneal space. The patient underwent simultaneous robot-assisted excision of intrathoracic solitary fibrous tumor and retroperitoneal schwannoma. This case emphasizes that simultaneous robot-assisted surgery for the resection of small masses in the posterior mediastinum and retroperitoneal region may be appropriate in selected patients. Keywords : solitary fibrous tumor, robot asisted surgery, schwannoma