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Current Thoracic Surgery
2019 , Vol 4 , Issue 1
Primary sarcomas of the lung: report of five cases and review of the literature
1Department of Thoracic Surgery, School of Medicine, Akdeniz University, Antalya, Turkey Case Report Corresponding
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Primary pulmonary sarcomas of the lung are rare tumors with a low incidence. We reviewed the
literature and analyzed 5 patients retrospectively. All clinical datas and therapeutic protocols were
recorded. The required surgical procedure was lobectomy in 4 patients and diagnostic broncoscopy
and mediastinoscopy in one patient. At histological examination; 2 carcinosarcoma, 1 undifferentiated
pleomorphic sarcoma, 1 leiomyosarcoma and 1 synovial sarcoma diagnosed. Primary sarcomas of the
lung cannot be differentieted from more common tumors of the lung tumors clinically. Early diagnosis
and complete surgical resection is critical for prognosis.
Keywords :
carcinosarcoma, leiomyosarcoma, sarcoma, synovial sarcoma