Materials and Methods: Twelve patients underwent pulmonary operations were included. Nine of the patients had PAL and three had massive air leak with subcutaneous emphysema in early postoperative period. On mean postoperative 8th day (1-15), a one session pneumoperitoneum was applied. In order to fulfill the vascular bed to prevent from air embolism, all of the patients received 500-1500cc of intravenous saline so that the venous pressure is between 7 and 12.
Results: All 12 patients developed no sequel or chronic complications due to the intervention. Mean hospital stay after the intervention was 8.1 days (2-12), mean chest tube removal time after pneumoperitoneum was 16 days (2-48). Six of the patients were discharged with a complete success (without a chest tube), five patients were discharged with a Heimlich valve and one with passive drainage catheter, but the latter patients were also fully recovered in following days.
Conclusions: In this report, we present 12 cases treated successfully with therapeutic pneumoperitoneum without any severe complications. The unique side of our technique is we used only single application without any need of extra instruments.
Keywords : prolonged air leak, pneumoperitoneum, lung resection