2Department of Pathology, Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University, Bolu, Turkey DOI : 10.26663/cts.2021.0020 Viewed : 2798 - Downloaded : 1103 Background: Pulmonary contusion is a potentially life-threatening clinical manifestation frequently seen in acute thoracic trauma. It can be life-threatening if diffuse in nature. This study investigated the tissue damage-reducing effect of carvacrol, an antioxidant, in rats with induced lung damage.
Materials and Methods: Twenty-one female Wistar Albino rats weighing 240-320 g were used in the study. Pulmonary contusion was induced with the application of 2.25 joules of energy with a modification of the isolated bilateral pulmonary contusion model. Lung tissues of rats administered two doses of oral 50 mg/kg carvacrol were then subjected to histopathologic examination.
Results: Congestion, alveolar destruction, alveolar hemorrhage, and leukocyte infiltration were subjected to histopathologic examination in all lung sections. The amount of alveolar hemorrhage was significantly lower in the carvacrol group compared with the control and trauma groups (p = 0.033). Congestion, leukocyte infiltration, and destruction also decreased, albeit statistically insignificantly, in the carvacrol group.
Conclusion: The antioxidant carvacrol significantly prevented alveolar hemorrhage in pulmonary contusion developing following trauma. Congestion decreased, and no leukocyte infiltration developed in the carvacrol group. However, it did not affect destruction.
Keywords : carvacrol, trauma, lung, pulmonary contusion