Current Issue: 2024 , Volume 9 , Issue 3

Owner, on behalf of Turkish Society
of Thoracic Surgery
: Atilla EROĞLU, MD
Editor-in-Chief : Berkant ÖZPOLAT, MD
ISSN : 2548-0316
Frequency : Tri-annual
Abbreviation : Curr Thorac Surg
Current Thoracic Surgery
The role of ultrasonography in the diagnosis of rib fractures
The selective role of radiological findings and PET-CT in solitary pulmonary nodules
Knowledge, attitudes and beliefs of thoracic surgery residents towards theoretical and practical medical life in Turkey
Impact of subclinical hypothyroidism on postoperat!ve satisfaction in hyperhydrosis surgery
A rare reason for intubation: esophageal foreign body lodged in the upper esophageal stricture
A method in difficult to sample mediastinal lymph nodes: the needle dissection technique